Dandelions! Or is it dandelia? Or dandeliones? Whatever.
The first picture is straight out-of-camera, with only some minor tweaking in curves and color applied. The second one is from RAW and was heavily processed, as you will see. I like both!
Oh, and Amy, this was by no means intentional!

"Dandelion #1" | Olympus E-P1 + M.Zuiko 14-42 @ 42mm, f/5.6, 1/800 sec, ISO 200

"Dandelion #2" | Olympus E-P1 + Cosmicar/Pentax 25/1.4 @ f/1.4, 1/1000 sec, ISO 200
What baffled me with this picture is how 3D it looked after processing – this is something I’m used to see from Leicas, but not from an E-P1 + TV lens! So it’s indeed possible to achieve great results with an affordable setup! (I still want that M8, though … ;-))
The 25/1.4 in your pictures has a lovely swirly bokeh in my opinion. I am a big fan of that signature look.
> The 25/1.4 in your pictures has a lovely swirly bokeh in my opinion. I am a big fan of that signature look.
Yes, so am I!