Especially with the artificial light in our living room! After finally receiving a filter for my Biogon 2/35 – I had initially purchased one via an online seller, but they had to order it themselves, first, and it wouldn’t have arrived before next month, so I now got a used one from eBay – I took some quick comparison shots to see how much difference adding the filter actually makes. And it makes a huge difference!

Without UV/IR cut filter | Leica M8 + Biogon 35/2 @ f/2, 1/60 sec, ISO 640 | JPEG from camera

With UV/IR cut filter | Leica M8 + Biogon 35/2 @ f/2, 1/45 sec, ISO 640 | JPEG from camera
The difference in exposure time comes from pointing the camera at different spots in each picture – it’s not the filter eating light (In fact, it eats ultraviolet and infrared wavelengths – that’s what it feeds on!)
In others news, I finally figured how to change the camera profile in Lighroom – and indeed “Camera Standard” gives much more authentic color than the “Adobe Standard” profile – at least with the M8’s files. With my E-P1’s files, I’m perfectly happy with ACR’s rendering.
Buy UV/IR filters from B&H Photo Video Audio!
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