Emil and I accompanied Jasmin to her riding lessons this evening. On the way, we saw this. I could swear the egg wasn’t hanging there at Easter!

"Egg, hanging from tree" | Leica M8 + Biogon 35/2 @ f/2, ISO 160
In other news, my Biogon 2/35 doesn’t seem to focus to infinity correctly. Apart from my M8’s rangefinder being ever so slightly off (but accurate anywhere else, at least in combination with the Biogon), I don’t get anything distant sharp with the Biogon at the wider apertures. In a recent f/2 shot, it seemed like the in-focus area went up to about ten meters, and from thereon things got blurred. This must be a problem inherent to the lens, as the lens itself was set to infinity. At smaller apertures this is less of a problem (none whatsoever at f/8), and it doesn’t bother me much as I rarely focus to infinity at all, but I wonder what causes this and if less distant focal settings are off, too. Gotta post this to one of the forums …
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