The fields around our village prove to be a great location for taking pictures every so often again. This week, we’ve been walking (and me shooting) there several times, and I took some great pictures that I’d like to share with you.

"Fence" | Leica M8 + Biogon 35/2 @ f/2, 1/8000 sec, ISO 160

"Mowing the fields" | Leica M8 + Biogon 35/2 @ f/?, 1/2000 sec, ISO 160

Leica M8 + Biogon 35/2 @ f/2, 1/4000 sec, ISO 160

"Traces of the storm" | Leica M8 + Biogon 35/2 @ f/2, 1/1000 sec, ISO 160

"New moun hay" | Leica M8 + Biogon 35/2 @ f/4, 1/750 sec, ISO 160
Actually, the title for this picture is from an Elton John song. Anyone know which one?

Leica M8 + Biogon 35/2 @ f/2, 1/4000 sec, ISO 160
I think I ought to have taken this at f/8, as the out-of-focus blurring is more distracting than separating here. What do you think?

Leica M8 + Biogon 35/2 @ f/2, 1/6000 sec, ISO 160
I noticed that most of the time, I’m shooting either wide open at f/2, or at f/8 for large d-o-f. Hardly ever inbetween, and never smaller than f/8. I like my pictures to either have fewest possible d-o-f and maximum possible subject separation, or to be sharp across the frame. The great thing is that the Biogon is pretty sharp already at f/2, which makes shooting wide open even more fun!
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