This weekend we had wonderful weather – it was neither to warm nor too cold, the sun was shining half of the time with clouds intermittent. Very nice for a little foray to the botanical gardens of the university. This time, I took only the M8 with the 35/2 Biogon attached, to see if I needed more than one focal length at such an occasion. As it turned out, I didn’t
Here’s a selection of pictures, all shot at f/2 if I recall correctly.

Vines and a little lake

Emil feeding the ducks

"Trumpet tree" (for whatever reason it bears that name ...)

Hybrid rhododendron "Prince of Wales"

Nature claiming its territory

"Red and green"


Australian flower

Freely suspended orchids
P.S.: I have a new processing workflow for Lightroom that facilitates processing by a huge margin and saves me a great deal of time. Before, I would’ve needed some three hours to process all the images from that day (~ 30), now it took me less than one and a half. (The trick is to preset basic processing, tone curve and details for the most frequent type of picture, and adjust only if necessary.)
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