The new Leica Summilux-M 35/1.4 ASPH. reviewed by Kirk Tuck

Here’s another review of interest to all Leicaphiles – Kirk Tuck‘s take on the new Summilux-M 35mm f/1.4 ASPH., the one that allegedly doesn’t suffer from any focusing issues anymore. (Just a reminder: the first ASPH as well as the older pre-ASPHs all suffer from focus shift when stopping down. This problem has now been taken care of by introducing a floating element into the lens’ design. This floating element changes its position relative to the rest of the lens elements depending on the focusing distance, ensuring in this way a close-to-ideal focal plane at any distance and aperture setting.)

It is a rather subjective review written by a professional photographer who – despite mainly using DSLRs for his pro work – has always had an affection towards Leica gear, and used about any Leica M camera of the last few decades. He’s also used many a glass during his career, not few of which were Leica optics. So it’s safe to assume he’s got something valuable to say about this lens.

As always, I won’t spoil you with Kirk’s findings here, but let me just point out his bottom line: It’s probably the best 35mm lens around, but you can do without it.

Or can you? 😉

Read his full review of the new Leica Summilux-M 35mm f/1.4 ASPH here.

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