Panasonic LX3 vs. LX5 hands-on comparison by CNET Asia

Via 43rumors.

CNET Asia have published a first hands-on comparison of the new Panasonic LX5 enthusiast’s compact and its legendary predecessor, the LX3. In their article, they feature a number of close-to-identical pictures taken with each camera, pointing out the differences in image quality between the old and new model. The result: The LX5 produces consistently better results with more detail, more dyncamic range, more natural colours and less lens-induced aberrations such as ghosting and flare.

As a reminder: The LX5 is no huge step forward from the LX3, but the many detail improvements accumulate to a much enhanced and quite desirable little camera. The biggest improvements seem to be the new sensor and lens, which both have a considerable influence on the final image quality.

You can read the full CNET Asia article here.

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