Another “truth” deconstructed: Is the lens really more important than the camera?

Recently, an interesting dichotomy of articles has been published – one at The Phoblographer, the other at The Online Photographer. Both articles are about the importance of what equipment you choose, only the former advertises the old credo that the lens is the most important part, while the latter takes a deeper look at things and comes to the conclusion that no, it’s not (only) the lens which is important – and most certainly it’s not only the lens that makes for the look of a picture.

Since about forever, so-called “professionals” and other self-acclaimed “experts” would have you believe that the lens is what makes the picture (apart from the photographer, that is), and that it doesn’t matter what camera body you’re using as long as you’ve got the right lens for the job. Of course, the lens is a critical factor in achieving good pictures, and so Will Greenwald has a point (and also a cause) trying to educate amateurs about the details and technicalities behind optics, to help them achieve better results. But the lens isn’t all there is to taking technically good pictures, as Ctein explains. There are many more factors to be considered, and a good camera body is one of them.

Of course, in the end it all comes down to whether the photographer has a good eye and knows how to correctly use his equipment. But a good lens and a good camera body sure do help a lot in achieving a good look in your pictures.

Will Greenwald at The Phoblographer: “Why Your Lenses are More Important Than Your Camera”
Ctein at The Online Photographer: “The Lens is Not More Important Than the Camera”

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