It’s been a few weeks since Panasonic’s new superzoom has officially been announced, but so far the major review sites seem to have been cautious with publishing their takes on the new FZ100. One of the few reviews currently available comes from PhotographyBLOG.
The Panasonic FZ100 (and its lower-spec’ed sibling, the FZ40/45) is the successor to the popular FZ35/38 superzoom bridge camera, which was the #1 one on many top-ten lists for quite some time. The FZ35/38 being already quite generously equipped, the FZ100 now ups the ante again by introducing not only a new sensor with more megapixels (14 instead of 12 – who would’ve thought …), but also re-introducing the tilt-and-swivel monitor that was lacking in the FZ-series since the decommission of the great FZ50.

Picture courtesy of Panasonic Corporation.
The FZ100 sports a whopping 24x 25-600mm f/2.8-5.2 zoom lens, and for the first time features full-HD AVCHD movie recording. Also, besides being rotateable again, the new 3″ display comes with a higher resolution of 460k dots. The sensor has been changed from CCD to CMOS and is now capable of capturing up to 11 frames per second.
If you’d like to find out how the camera fares in actual use, please read the review at PhotographyBLOG.
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