Back from vacation with news and pictures!

Hi everyone, I’m back from vacation in Tyrolia, Austria, and have brought with me huge amounts of pictures! In fact, I’ve taken so many pix I still have some left to process.

We’ve had a wonderful time there, and even though the weather was mixed and unstable, we enjoyed a few sunny days and did a lot of hiking. Emil had the greatest fun having all his grandparents around, and learned a lot of new things. We’re back refreshed and with loads of new energy! :-)

As I announced earlier, I’m going to write a guest article for Steve Huff’s site, about the Zeiss Biogon 2/35 ZM on the Leica M8 and Olympus E-P1. This article will feature quite a few pictures from our trip to Tyrolia, and I will also put up a dedicated gallery as soon as I’ve got all pictures processed.

For now, I’d like to present you with some snaps from yesterday evening, when we had wonderful golden light and a great cloudy sky, which allowed for some beautiful captures! The pictures were taken with the E-P1 and either the Lumix 20/1.7 or the kit zoom, using (where applicable) the new-to-me Olympus VF-1 optical viewfinder, which is a great addition to the E-P1+20/1.7 combo.

Golden hour above the fields | Olympus E-P1 + Lumix 20/1.7 @ f/5, 1/640 sec, ISO 200

Continue reading Back from vacation with news and pictures!

At the botanical gardens with the Leica M8

This weekend we had wonderful weather – it was neither to warm nor too cold, the sun was shining half of the time with clouds intermittent. Very nice for a little foray to the botanical gardens of the university. This time, I took only the M8 with the 35/2 Biogon attached, to see if I needed more than one focal length at such an occasion. As it turned out, I didn’t :-)

Here’s a selection of pictures, all shot at f/2 if I recall correctly.

Vines and a little lake

Continue reading At the botanical gardens with the Leica M8

In response to recent developments

Every now and then we are being reminded what the most precious and valuable things in our lives are, and that we should always cherish them.

I love you!

Picture(s) of the day (June 17, 2010)

On the bus this morning.

"Watching as the outside world passes by" | Leica M8 + Biogon 35/2 @ f/2, 1/1000 sec, ISO 160

I decided to dial in a little less contrast this time, which I think I like better. But I’m still not sure if the picture is bright enough overall. What think you?

Continue reading Picture(s) of the day (June 17, 2010)

Picture(s) of the day (June 16, 2010)

On my way home from work. I’m a bit uninspired these days …

"Commuting" | Leica M8 + Biogon 35/2 @ f/4, 1/125 sec, ISO 160

The second one is from this evening. We’re having a crate of empty beer bottles standing around, waiting to be returned. Emil obviously found something interesting to the bottles … 😉 Continue reading Picture(s) of the day (June 16, 2010)