Some first pictures with the Nokton 50/1.5

Not much to say about these — just some snaps.

Continue reading Some first pictures with the Nokton 50/1.5

Picture(s) of the day (September 14, 2010)

Emil playing the piano – with a little help from his mom! :-)

"I like Chopin" | Leica M8 + M-Rokkor 28/2.8 @ f/2.8, 1/45 sec, ISO 160

And a few more recent shots: Continue reading Picture(s) of the day (September 14, 2010)

Picture of the day (September 12, 2010)

Emil’s grandfather brought him an eagle-shaped kite, which we tried to fly yesterday afternoon. Sadly, the wind wasn’t all that cooperative, so we didn’t really get the kite to rise higher than a few meters before coming down again. But it was exciting for Emil, and so the kite fulfilled its purpose! :-)

"Letting the eagle fly" | Leica M8 + M-Rokkor 28/2.8 @ f/2.8, 1/3000 sec, ISO 160

The Minolta M-Rokkor 28/2.8 on the Leica M8

The Minolta M-Rokkor 28/2.8 on the Leica M8 | Olympus E-P1 + Lumix 20/1.7 @ f/1.7, 1/60 sec, ISO 640

I’ve been writing about this – I decided to part with my wonderful Zeiss Biogon 2/35 in favor of a 28mm and a 50mm lens. Having only one focal length just was too restricting for me. Also, it was only semi-fast, and its angle-of-view was too narrow for a walkaround lens, and too wide for a portrait lens.

My first purchase for my new lens setup was a Minolta M-Rokkor 28mm f/2.8, the wide-angle lens originally introduced with the Minolta CLE film rangefinder back in the 70’s. On the M8 with its 1.33x crop factor, this translates roughly to a 37mm equivalent angle-of-view – the classic, semi-wide reportage focal length, thus.

Continue reading The Minolta M-Rokkor 28/2.8 on the Leica M8

Lightroom 3.2 and the M8’s high-ISO noise

The Leica M8 has always had a reputation of being rather bad noise-wise at its higher ISO settings of 1250 and 2500. At least that’s what its opponents claimed – especially those with a Canon full-frame DSLR background. On the other hand, especially in black and white, the M8’s JPEG output has a very film-like look to it, and isn’t actually worse than what you get with 35mm film rated at ISO 400 or higher.

Yet with modern image processing software, noise isn’t really an issue anymore. Even if your RAW processing software has no sophisticated noise reduction routines, there are plug-ins and stand-alone solutions available that do a very good job – Neat Image for example. And with the latest iteration of their highly acclaimed RAW workflow software Lighroom, in version 3.2 Adobe have managed to improve the already solid noise reduction routines of the previous version even further, to a point where a dedicated plug-in becomes superfluous.

The following image has been shot in our rather dimly lit living room at ISO 2500, the exposure time was 1/30 second and the aperture was wide open at f/2. Still, the image turned out slightly underexposed, so I head to tweak the curves a bit to make it look fine. In my opinion, Lightroom 3.2 did an exceptionally good job here, finding a decent compromise between noise reduction and detail retention – the resulting image I got with Neat Image was actually not better! But judge for yourself! (Click the image for a larger 1000px version.)

Leica M8 + Biogon 35/2 @ f/2, 1/30, ISO 2500 | Processed in Lightroom 3.2