Picture of the day (August 26, 2010)

"Calling grandma" | Leica M8 + Biogon 35/2 @ f/2, 1/45 sec, ISO 1250

In response to recent developments

Every now and then we are being reminded what the most precious and valuable things in our lives are, and that we should always cherish them.

I love you!

Picture of the day (June 6, 2010)

Emil playing with his “Winnie Pooh” helium balloon that we bought him yesterday after visiting the zoo. The b&w is straight from camera, with only some slight contrast enhancement and resizing for web.

Leica M8 + Biogon 35/2 @ f/2, 1/90 sec, ISO 2500

Even when viewing at 100%, the M8’s output holds up pretty well at 2500 ISO in black-and-white (and even in color with proper denoising).

Picture of the day (June 4, 2010)

Being on visit at Emil’s grandparents’, we took a walk through town today and came past this beast. It’s a BMW (don’t know the model number, though) that has been customized with this neon decoration. It was Emil’s grandmother’s idea to put him on the bike and take a picture :-)

"Riding the beast" | Olympus E-P1 + Lumix 20/1.7 @ f/1.7, 1/1250 sec, ISO 200

The Film Chronicles: Ilford XP2

Today I picked up the prints and scans of that roll of XP2 I was shooting with my Yashica Electro 35 GT last month – and I’m already in love with that film! It’s got great tonal range, and is incredibly versatile. You can shoot it anywhere between 200 and 800 ISO without having to adjust the processing, and you can push it below or beyond anywhere from 50 to 3200. I didn’t try to do so, but I did have some over- and underexposed shots that turned out perfectly. I’m going to get more XP2 as soon as I shot the one roll of HP5 I’ve currently loaded into my camera, and then I’m going to deliberately under- or overexpose it depending on the lighting situation and see how the shots turn out.

But first, here are a couple of lab scans from this roll, processed in Lightroom.

"Curiosity" | Yashica Electro 35 GT + Ilford XP2

Continue reading The Film Chronicles: Ilford XP2