Olympus have officially announced the new E-PL1s Micro Four Thirds camera, a slightly upgraded version of the E-PL1, together with a new 14-42mm f/3.5-5.6 kit lens. Both camera and lens will only be available in Japan for now.
 The new Olympus E-PL1s + 14-42mm Mk II kit lens. Picture courtesy of Olympus.
The camera is essentially the same as the E-PL1, but now features shooting at 6400 ISO, and uses a different battery. The lens, on the other hand, is a completely new design, labeled “Movie and Stills compatible”, which means it now has the same super quiet and blazing fast autofocus that was introduced with the 9-18mm and 14-150mm lenses. The new kit zoom is also lighter than the original version. If it is any different in its optical quality will be seen once first reviews pop up on the net — I’ll keep you posted!
Olympus’ official announcement, translated via Google
The news on dpreview.com
The news on photoscala.de (in German)
“Life ain’t a movie!” Marburg, Germany, old market. Processed in Lightrom 3.2 RC, using the “CP3” cross-processing filter.
 "La vita non è un film" | Olympus E-P1 + M.Zuiko 14-42/3.5-5.6 @ 34mm, f/5.1, 1/50 sec, ISO 1250
Hi everyone, I’m back from vacation in Tyrolia, Austria, and have brought with me huge amounts of pictures! In fact, I’ve taken so many pix I still have some left to process.
We’ve had a wonderful time there, and even though the weather was mixed and unstable, we enjoyed a few sunny days and did a lot of hiking. Emil had the greatest fun having all his grandparents around, and learned a lot of new things. We’re back refreshed and with loads of new energy! 
As I announced earlier, I’m going to write a guest article for Steve Huff’s site, about the Zeiss Biogon 2/35 ZM on the Leica M8 and Olympus E-P1. This article will feature quite a few pictures from our trip to Tyrolia, and I will also put up a dedicated gallery as soon as I’ve got all pictures processed.
For now, I’d like to present you with some snaps from yesterday evening, when we had wonderful golden light and a great cloudy sky, which allowed for some beautiful captures! The pictures were taken with the E-P1 and either the Lumix 20/1.7 or the kit zoom, using (where applicable) the new-to-me Olympus VF-1 optical viewfinder, which is a great addition to the E-P1+20/1.7 combo.
 Golden hour above the fields | Olympus E-P1 + Lumix 20/1.7 @ f/5, 1/640 sec, ISO 200
Continue reading Back from vacation with news and pictures!
Saw this guy clinging to the coffe machine this morning. After taking a couple shots, I caught him with a glass and a piece of cardboard and released him to either freedom or life as prey. Guess I’ll never know … b&w conversion in Lightroom 3 beta 2 (yup, still running the beta, but planning on getting the final soon!)
 "The visitor" | Olympus E-P1 + Zuiko 14-42 @ 42mm, f/5.6, 1/40 sec, ISO 1250
Dandelions! Or is it dandelia? Or dandeliones? Whatever.
The first picture is straight out-of-camera, with only some minor tweaking in curves and color applied. The second one is from RAW and was heavily processed, as you will see. I like both!
Oh, and Amy, this was by no means intentional! 
 "Dandelion #1" | Olympus E-P1 + M.Zuiko 14-42 @ 42mm, f/5.6, 1/800 sec, ISO 200
Continue reading Picture(s) of the day (April 29, 2010)