The report of Tri-X’s death was an exaggeration.

To put it in the words of Mark Twain. After several online source rumored a discontinuation of a number of very popular Kodak black&white films (among which T-MAX 400 and Tri-X 400), Kodak now put the rumors to rest by officially stating that not the films themselves, but several packaging varieties had been discontinued. The films are still being produced and will be offered in the future.

(via British Journal of Photography)

Kodak getting serious

Kodak is getting serious and starts selling off “non-central assets” in order to acquire the financial means needed for their transformation to a “profitable, sustainable digital company” — whatever that means. Considering the imaging sensor business went strong, I don’t understand why they decided to sell it off.

Anyhow, here’s the press release at Imaging Insider, and here are some reactions at the English L-Camera Forum.