You’re a professional photographer using DSLRs at work and want something pocketable with great IQ to carry around in your spare time? Or an advanced amateur looking for the ultimate compact compact camera? Or just fancying small cameras with great overall quality? Well, there are currently two options: The Canon S95, and the Leica D-Lux 5 (respectively the Panasonic LX5). They’re both about the same size, both have a 10 megapixel CCD, and both feature lenses with a fast initial aperture. That means both promise good image quality even at low light, and with their approx. 3x zoom lenses they’re also pretty versatile for most shooting situations.
 The Leica D-Lux 5 |
 The Canon S95 |
But which one is the right one to get? Which one is better overall? Which one is best for you? Well, ask no more, as the guys over at The Phoblographer have not only exhaustively tested both cameras in multi-part reviews, but now they’ve also done a comparison between the two, discussing all the details necessary to help you decide which one to get.
As I previously announced, yesterday I spent the day visiting photokina 2010 in Cologne, and I brought back with me a huge load of impressions, pictures of latest models, of prototypes, and other stuff. So without much ado, here’s my report on the fair — by manufacturer, in alphabetic order.
 Photokina 2010 south entrance
General impressions from the fair will be posted in a seperate gallery soon.
CAUTION! Massive amount of pictures ahead! Make sure your connection is fast enough, and that you have enough time! 
Continue reading Photkina 2010: A report in pictures
Okay guys and gals, here’s to some serious pornography. Yes, I’m serious! Today, several exciting and breathtaking announcements have been made in anticipation of this year’s photokina (which will commence tomorrow, and not today as I accidentally stated in my previous post – apologies again!), some of them so absolutely stunning that’s they are seriously close to pornography! 😉
So here’s what I’m talking about:
- Fujifilm today announced the development of yet another large-sensor fixed-lens enthusiast’s compact – but this time it could be the real thing! It’s got a stunning, classic rangefinder design, support for full manual operation (seperate shutter speed and exosure correction dials on top and an aperture ring on the lens), and a unique hybrid electric-optical viewfinder, featuring a semi-transparent high-resolution LCD that is projected into the optical viewfinder image.
- Olympus announced the development of yet yet another large-sensor fixed-lens enthusiast’s compact featuring a Zuiko branded lens. Judging from the pictures (the camera is only a mock-up so far), it’ll feature a Micro Four Thirds sensor. Detailed specs are unknown as of yet.
- Leica will present the M9 Titanium, which has been designed by VW chief of design Walter de Silva – the man who draw the stunning Audi A5! It looks absolutely gorgeous, and like the new Fuji it’ll feature a hybrid viewfinder with electronically projected framelines! Also the two new re-branded Panasonic models, the D-Lux 5, successor to the D-Lux 4 and close-to-identical to the Panasonic LX5, as well as the V-Lux 2, successor to the V-Lux 1 and close-to-identical to the Panasonic FZ100.
More after the cut! Continue reading Photokina day -1: Exciting announcements!
Via 43rumors.
CNET Asia have published a first hands-on comparison of the new Panasonic LX5 enthusiast’s compact and its legendary predecessor, the LX3. In their article, they feature a number of close-to-identical pictures taken with each camera, pointing out the differences in image quality between the old and new model. The result: The LX5 produces consistently better results with more detail, more dyncamic range, more natural colours and less lens-induced aberrations such as ghosting and flare.
As a reminder: The LX5 is no huge step forward from the LX3, but the many detail improvements accumulate to a much enhanced and quite desirable little camera. The biggest improvements seem to be the new sensor and lens, which both have a considerable influence on the final image quality.
You can read the full CNET Asia article here.
After much speculation and a self-leak last week, Panasonic have now officially announced a bunch of new cameras, among which the most eagerly awaited is probably the LX5, successor to the popular LX3 prosumer compact. But also Fujifilm have just annonced some new cameras, and the one which caught my interest among those is the F300EXR, which is not a successor to Fujifilm’s first EXR-camera, the F200, but rather a model of its own.
Continue reading Now official: Panasonic Lumix LX5 and Fujifilm FinePix F300EXR